Mission Partnerships

Partnering in New England to Strengthen Church Planting

South Carolina Baptists are working with church planters in Vermont and New England to strengthen and grow churches in a region with few Gospel-preaching congregations. Through a partnership with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), SCBaptists are helping plant and support churches in Vermont and the surrounding region—an area where many communities lack an evangelical,

Partnering in New England to Strengthen Church Planting Read More »

Sharing Faith in West Africa

This article was formatted from an article originally posted on IMB.org. Brooke Tipton is a journeyman from South Carolina currently serving in Togo, a country in West Africa. Recently, Tipton and a group of short-term mission volunteers and pastors were going door-to-door, meeting residents, handing out Gospel tracts, and praying with families and individuals. When a

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The Unreached of Japan

A group of SCBaptists embarked on a mission trip to Japan to learn and experience mission work alongside IMB missionaries and national partners. While there, these leaders journeyed to Tokyo to form partnerships with International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries and lead teams in engaging the lost in Japan. Sharing Light in Spiritual Lostness In 2019,

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SCBaptist Pastors Partner with Metro New York Baptist Association

Recently, four SCBaptist pastors visited with the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association (MNYBA) to learn about and serve poverty-impacted communities in the heart of NYC. “It’s been years since we’ve planted churches here in Manhattan because it’s incredibly challenging. But over the last year and a half, we’ve seen several churches planted right here on

SCBaptist Pastors Partner with Metro New York Baptist Association Read More »