
Give+Go is a holistic initiative that challenges SCBaptists to increase evangelistic engagement and Cooperative Program investment in 2025.


In practice, our Give+Go strategy includes a variety of resources, events, videos, small group curriculum, and more, designed to equip and inspire SCBaptists in reaching their communities and investing in our cooperative mission.

Give+Go Evangelism Strategy

Give+Go Cooperative Program Engagement Strategy

“God’s Gospel story is passing through our generation. And we have been entrusted with this generation. This one moment. We have just this one opportunity to outlive our own lives by making eternal investments to advance the Great Commission together. May the message never be far from our mouths and tongues, and may sacrificial investment never be far from our hearts and hands. Let’s give it all we’ve got in 2025. Let’s give. And let’s go. Until all have heard. And let’s pray with emboldened faith that God will pour out his power on our cooperative work so that our neighbors and the nations might come to know him through the Great Commission cooperation of SCBaptists in our generation. We advance no other mission. We know no other priority. We have no other plan.”

Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director-Treasurer, SCBaptist