Life Transformation Story

College Students Explore Mission Field in Japan

Japan is densely populated with nearly 124 million people — making its historically low crime rate and sparklingly clean cities impressive.  While Japan also boasts of academic success and beautiful landscapes, a subtle brokenness lingers beneath the surface: loneliness. Even in densely populated cities, loneliness deeply affects the Japanese people. Suicide rates are high, and

College Students Explore Mission Field in Japan Read More »

Students Use Social Media to Evangelize in Northern Africa

The International Mission Board (IMB) reports that Northern Africa and the Middle East are regions of extravagant wealth and extreme poverty — with 65% of the world’s current conflicts happening in these regions.  The world’s major religions, which are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, all have significant populations in Northern Africa and the Middle East. All

Students Use Social Media to Evangelize in Northern Africa Read More »