Serving with Palmetto Collective in Greece
“The work that the local missionaries are doing in Greece is remarkable,” *Mary said.
Mary Callahan had the opportunity to travel to Greece as part of the Palmetto Collective. The Palmetto Collective (PC) is an SCBaptist program that equips college juniors and seniors from across SC to be missional leaders of the Gospel.

Christ-Exalting Mission Efforts
PC students were able to collaborate with the local refugee ministry, sharing the Gospel and meeting tangible needs of those seeking refuge. “We had the chance to learn from the missionaries who give their lives to this work every day, which might be the most valuable insight we could ever be given,” Mary said.
Additionally, they came alongside the work being done by local missionaries in Greece where they worked closely with the local Greek church. Specifically, they engaged in discussions about evangelism and discipleship with Greek university students, gaining insights into the local context and culture.
One of the most significant aspects of being part of PC is the exposure to genuine, Christ-exalting mission efforts. PC encourages students to evaluate how God’s global mission can become a part of their lives moving forward. Through their time in Greece, Mary and the team were inspired to consider their own roles in furthering God’s kingdom, both in their immediate future and in the long term.

Mission Minded Students
As they left for their mission trip to Greece, Mary and the team were simultaneously getting ready for longer-term assignments that the Lord had in store for them that summer. Whether it was boarding flights to another international location, returning home briefly to pack for the next journey, or packing their cars to move across the country, the members of PC had more chaotic plans and schedules than most college students. However, despite the busyness, whenever they gathered together, Mary felt “deeply comforted, profoundly challenged, and spurred on to good works,” she said.
The kindness, friendship, and shared conviction of Mary’s fellow participants in PC served as a constant source of encouragement for further Gospel work. “Jesus and His Gospel are worth not just our comfort, but our lives,” Mary said. As Mary and her fellow PC students continue on their respective paths, they carry with them the invaluable experiences and insights gained in Greece, ready to make a difference wherever they go.
*Names have been changed for security purposes.