Revitalizations at SCBaptist Churches in April and May
In April and May, several SCBaptist churches embarked on revitalization journeys, demonstrating their commitment to strengthening their congregations and reaching out to their communities.
Let’s take a closer look at the inspiring stories of Northwood Baptist Church, Jones Crossroads Baptist Church, Wannamaker Baptist Church, and their efforts to revitalize their ministries.

Revitalization in Lexington
Northwood Baptist Church, located in Lexington, SC, embraced the challenge of revitalization with enthusiasm and determination. The church wholeheartedly embraced a re-THRIVE recommendation. Johnny Rumbough, Association Mission Strategist (AMS) at Lexington Baptist Association said, “Now the hardest part begins — implementation. Before, it was theory, now, it’s reality and the work begins to one day be a thriving church bringing God great glory!”

Reinvesting Facilities in Lancaster
Meanwhile, in Lancaster, SC, another church embarked on a transformative journey. Jones Crossroads Baptist Church made the bold decision to reinvest their facilities to pave the way for a new work in the community. Their decision to reinvest their remaining resources to start a new church in the existing location at a date in the near future may have been a difficult one, but members ultimately trusted the Lord with what they had been given.
Moving forward, New Horizon Church will help facilitate the process in partnership with associational leadership. Pastor of New Horizon Bryant Blakely expressed his thanks to the members of Jones Crossroads and to the “many sermons preached, connections made, salvations, baptisms, [and] prayers” that took place in the building. He said that his prayer comes from Ephesians 3:20 and “that God will do exceedingly abundantly far beyond what we ask or even imagine in this place.”

Revitalization in Nichols
Additionally, Wannamaker Baptist Church in Nichols, SC, has also been going through a revitalization process. Jeff Gaskins, AMS at Waccamaw Baptist Association said, “Folks there have been accepting and gracious. They voted overwhelmingly this past Sunday to accept the revitalization recommendation.” As they continue their work, Wannamaker Baptist Church is also embarking on the important task of seeking and finding a new pastor, ensuring their continued growth and impact.

The revitalization efforts at these South Carolina Baptist churches highlight the commitment and faith of their congregations and leaders. Revitalization is not an easy journey, but the rewards are immeasurable as churches become better equipped to serve their communities and bring glory to God. As these churches continue their journey, let us celebrate their accomplishments and pray for their continued growth and impact in their communities.