Revitalization at Ridge Baptist Church
Ridge Baptist Church is located in Summerville, SC. There are 42,000 people residing within a 2.5 mile radius of the church with an estimated 10,000+ increase within the next 10 years. Pastor of 34 years Bobby Eubanks called friend, Johnny Rumbough, Executive Director of the Lexington Baptist Association, to inquire about how to retire well.
“We talked about Ridge Church going through a revitalization process. When the revitalization process was presented to leadership, they agreed and asked if I would lead them,” Rumbough said. “Ridge Church became the ninth church to go through a revitalization process and the only church that I’ve led outside of my own Lexington Baptist Association.”

Rumbough recruited a team consisting of Ridge Baptist’s local Associational Missions Strategist, retired pastor Curt Bradford, and a local team to help. “Leading a church through a revitalization process always takes a team,” Rumbough said. “They did an excellent job. It was a win-win-win.”
In 2020 the church approved the recommendation, their beloved pastor retired, and the church called their next pastor, Eric Grissino. “Pastor Eric is leading the church incredibly well toward a future of bringing God great glory,” Rumbough said.
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