More Than a Mudout
The South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief deployed units to both Louisiana and Pennsylvania after Hurricane Ida made landfall in the fall of 2021. The Laurens Baptist Association sent a team to Horsham, Pennsylvania. While the team worked on an extensive mudout job, the chaplain on duty was able to speak with the elderly homeowners. After talking with the homeowners, sharing stories, and praying for them, the couple was open to the chaplain sharing his faith with them. The chaplain then had the privilege of leading the wife to salvation.
At the end of the day, the team gathered on the front lawn, presented a Bible to the homeowners, and celebrated with the couple. The team joined in prayer over this new believer. Although the husband was not willing to make a commitment at the time, he was also very moved.

Phil Bryson served as the Unit Leader for the crew. “You come so far geographically and work so hard, but the most important thing is being able to serve these people,” Phil said. “We are able to serve and show people Christ and that’s what’s most important.”
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