Advance Stories

Caring for Foster Families in the Church

Caring for Foster Families in the Church

The Ainsworths are passionate advocates for foster care and adoption.

Joel, Community Pastor at Church at Cane Bay, explains, “from the very beginning, foster care and adoption have been part of our heart as a church because they’ve been such a big part of our story.” He and his wife, Emily, adopted their two daughters out of foster care.

Their church has a system of missional communities, which serve various missions within the community. One such group serves at a local group home for boys in foster care. Many of the church partners have been visiting, getting to know the boys and their stories, and getting a heart for caring for children in hard places.

Supporting Foster Families

Recently, Joel and Emily started a new group called the Foster Care Missional Community. They have two goals: to support and encourage existing foster families in their community and to get more people engaged in foster care. To support existing foster families, they host events like the recent strawberry picking event, where they partnered with a local farm to provide free strawberries for families to pick, brought lunches, and had a photographer take spring pictures of the families to give them a picture they could put on their wall.

To get more people involved, they host foster care informational meetings for the community. Even if someone is not ready to become a foster parent yet, they encourage finding a step they can take to become engaged in caring for these kids who need people to surround them and love them.

Modeling God’s Kindness

Because Joel believes that God cares for us when we are at our most vulnerable and in need, they believe that God is calling them to care for others in their community who find themselves in the same place. As Joel explains, “we want to be faithful to be obedient to what God is asking us to do, and for his name and for his glory.”


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