Advance Stories

The Journey to Plant a Church in Boston

The Journey to Plant a Church in Boston

The Journey to Plant a Church in Boston

Joe Polson, a former student pastor at First Baptist Church Cheraw, embarked on a life-changing journey after a Vision Trip to Boston in May 2018 with SCBaptist. Today, Joe and his wife have successfully planted Church at the Well in Everett, Massachusetts.

Joe Polson’s journey began when he accompanied his pastor, Patrick Blackmon, on a vision trip to Boston. Little did he know that this trip would ignite a passion within him. On the trip, Patrick casually asked Joe when he was moving to Boston to plant a church. “Seeing the need for churches is what really opened our eyes about it. We prayed, visited some more, and felt like this is what God really wanted us to do,” Joe said.

Pastor Joe Polson, left, at the first baptismal service of Church at the Well Everett.

The Need in Boston

Boston, once the birthplace of great revivals, has become a predominantly unchurched and post-Christian region. The population in Everett, where Church at the Well church is located, is about 50,000 people and represents one of the most diverse cities in Massachusetts. “Our neighbors come from all across the world, and we see it as an incredible opportunity to reach the nations right here in our backyard,” Joe said.

The Official Launch

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe and his team were committed to serving their community. Leading up to the official launch, they initiated a community aid network to connect neighbors in need with those who could help. Joe explained, “Through this network, we were able to collectively assist over 300 families in various capacities.”

They also opened a coffee shop that would remain closed on Sundays and began holding worship services there. The church held their first public worship on Easter Sunday 2022. Since then, they’ve been able to see growth of the church, and they baptized two people in February of 2023.

Support from SCBaptists

Joe expressed his gratitude for the support received from the South Carolina Baptist Convention and its churches. Each July, the church puts on a soccer camp that holds close to 300 children in the area. Since its inception, SCBaptists have come to work alongside the church to run the camp and given financial support. Joe said that the support from SCBaptists has been invaluable. “I’m so grateful for all of the help we’ve received, the letters, the emails of encouragement. You can’t put a price on any of that,” Joe said.

Continued Support and Prayer Requests

When asked how SCBaptists can pray for him, Joe requested prayers for additional team members, specifically interns, to join their mission. He also asked for prayers for God’s continued favor in the community.

Joe Polson’s story is a testament to the transformative power of answering God’s call. Through a Vision Trip to Boston, Joe and his family embarked on a mission to plant Church at the Well in Everett. Reflecting on the entire process, Joe shared, “The biggest lesson the Lord has taught me is to trust Him completely. This seemed impossible in the beginning, but God constantly showed us that it was possible through Him. Every day He has continued to show us that we can trust Him.”


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