Churches Partnering Together for Hopeful Futures
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church had been in serious decline and struggling to remain open.
Recently, though, they held a celebration service that brought together members from two churches partnering together from neighboring communities with the same mission of making disciples. As they gathered in this rural location, almost 10 miles from the closest Dollar General, they came together as one family, celebrating what God was doing in their midst with worship, baptisms, and fellowship.
The story began with a pastor’s vision to assist a sister church reverse her Gospel influence. Michael Baker, Pastor of Renfrew Baptist Church, heard the statistics on churches closing their doors and knew of several churches in the Three Rivers Baptist Association that were declining. As he prayed for these churches, he also began to ask how Renfrew could leverage their strength as a newly revitalized congregation.

A Replanter’s Call
Josh Griffin served as an associate pastor at Renfrew for over two years before being sent to Mount Pleasant as a replanter in 2021. As he heard Baker’s vision, God burdened his heart for struggling churches. Griffin sought to learn more about these new strategies for reclaiming dying churches through the first-hand experience of a replanter in a neighboring mill community. The more he learned, the more he realized God was calling his family to this redeeming ministry.
Over three years, Mount Pleasant called their local Baptist association for help. They knew they were in trouble, and their interim pastor had heard of a new ministry called “replanting.” This call began a consultation to discover their options, which led to a recommendation to restart the church. They initially took a few steps forward before COVID-19 caused them to stop gathering for worship, and when they reopened their doors, they had lost members and their pastor. They placed a second call to the Association, and the consultation resumed, but this time, the recommendation pointed to the need for a partner church to provide immediate resources for future ministry.

A Family Conversation
With Mount Pleasant ready to do whatever it took for a hopeful future and Renfrew as a partnering church praying God would send an opportunity, it was time to bring them all together for a family meeting. With a clear vision for what it would take to restart Mount Pleasant and humility from all leaders, God began to unite these two churches together for the sake of advancing God’s Kingdom in their community. They cast a vision for their partnership, took initial steps to reconstitute Mount Pleasant’s bylaws, drafted an initial budget, and guided Griffin through a replanter assessment.
Both congregations were willing to make significant changes to restart a church in their community. Mount Pleasant would start completely over with new leadership, ministries, and bylaws. Renfrew would send their beloved associate pastor and other families to serve alongside him in a new context and provide financial support and other essential resources needed for a new work in an existing location.

The Next Partnership
Both churches are still discovering how God can utilize this new shared venture, but the conversation is already shifting toward how Mount Pleasant and Renfrow can partner with future churches in need of strengthening.
Whether a congregation is seeking a partner or a potential partner church is looking for an opportunity, several essentials to any partnership can be found in this local story. SCBaptists are stronger together, so pray for God to give a vision for how he will use this family of churches in the movement of strengthening churches in South Carolina and beyond.