The B Family
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Wil and Winnie and their three children – Hudson, Henry, and Charlotte are from the South Carolina Midlands. Their ministry focus is on theological education
The B Family has been living in Southeast Asia for the past 13 years. Will and Winnie work closely with a local seminary there, as well as seminaries around Southeast Asia, to provide quality seminary education for local pastors, leaders, and those who are called to ministry. Will also works with their country’s Baptist Convention to provide leadership training to many local Baptist churches. Winnie participates in a local refugee ministry. In this ministry she teaches refugee ladies how to sew, then helps them sell their products so that they can provide for their families.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for wisdom and perseverance as they navigate difficult situations in their ministry.
- Pray for joy and good time management as they try to balance ministry responsibilities, church commitments, and family life on the field.
- Pray for each member of the B family, especially for the children, to know Christ and walk in His truth daily.
- Pray for the Lord’s guidance as Hudson prepares to go to college in the fall.