SC Baptist Ministry Scholarship Church Recommendation Form

Thank you, pastor or recognized church leader, for taking the time to fill this out on behalf of a student in your congregation. With the help of churches like yours, we can offer scholarships to the called, future church leaders of tomorrow. We thank you for equipping them and encouraging them into their call to ministry.

If we can ever serve you, please reach out to our Collegiate team at

SC Baptist Ministry Scholarship - Church Recommendation

Name of Individual Completing this Reference Form:(Required)
Name of Student Applying for an SC Baptist Ministry Scholarship:(Required)
What level of study are they in?(Required)
Church City/State:(Required)
Is your church a cooperating church of the SC Baptist Convention?(Required)
Pastor Name:(Required)
Has the applicant expressed a calling to church-related vocational ministry?(Required)
Does your church whole-heartedly recommend this student to receive an SC Baptist Ministry Scholarship?(Required)