SCGO Students Trip Application "*" indicates required fields Choose Trip*LatviaNew York CitySalt Lake CItyFull Name*as it appears on your passportPreferred First Name*Birthday* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age at the time of trip*Current Grade*Student Email* Student Phone** if you have oneParent/Guardian #1 Name*Parent/Guardian #1 Phone*Parent/Guardian #1 Email* Parent/Guardian #2 NameParent/Guardian #2 Email Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Church Membership*Date you joined church*approximateIn 200 words or less, tell us how and when you became a follower of Jesus and when you were baptized:*In 200 words or less, have you ever shared the Gospel with another person? If so, tell us about it. If not, would you feel comfortable doing so on this trip after going through training?*Have you ever been on a mission trip out of South Carolina before? If so, briefly share your experience.*In 100 words or less, tell us about your involvement with your church.*Section BreakDo you have any physical issues that would impair your ability to walk long distances and carry your own luggage?*YesNoPlease ExplainRead each of the following and check the box if you agree: I understand that the Certified Sending Partner will want to interview me and my parents. I understand that my Pastor, Youth Pastor, or student ministry leaders will be contacted for their approval. I understand that the approval to my application is entirely at the discretion of the Certified Sending Partner. I understand that I am fully responsible for the punctual financial payments of this trip and agree to pay the deposit immediately following application approval. Select AllReferences1 pastoral reference and 1 character referenceName of Pastor or Student Pastor** not a family memberPhone*Email* Name of Adult Mentor, Teacher, or Small Group Leader** not a family memberPhone*Email*