Regather to Go
We are all looking forward to being back together to enjoy in-person worship and study of God’s Word together once again. But as we plan toward the church being gathered, are we also excited about the possibilities the church being scattered on mission to the nations again? Here are some things to do now and in the weeks ahead to stoke the fire of Global Gospel Advance.

- Emphasize Going as you are inviting people to Come. Continue to push forward the message of the Great Commission. Remind those that are gathering again that they are a sent people and that God’s glory still deserves to be known throughout the whole world.
- Encourage ministry to the nations in your community. You don’t have to get on a plane or travel with a mission team to do cross-cultural missions. People from all over the world live in our SC communities. Encourage your people to do simple things like ordering food from Chinese, Japanese, or Mexican restaurants and talking with the workers there, asking them how they are doing or what needs they may have. Take some time to investigate if a local college or university has international students who could benefit from a ministry touch.
- Establish plans to go. Mission trip plans for this summer, especially those out of the country, should probably be postponed or changed. But now is the time to work with mission partners to see when they are ready to engage mission teams. Put some dates on the calendar and begin planning for your church to go. Many churches are making plans for this fall, but now is certainly the time to develop plans for 2021 and beyond. Check out for some ideas. Even if it is a smaller team or a shorter duration trip, the step taken to get the church engaged in cross-cultural missions will communicate powerfully the priority of your church’s call to the nations.
- Empower mission work around the globe. Missionaries are still on the field. Increase your communication and prayer with missionaries you know.
- Find out ways you can support them and ask your people to meet their needs by sending supplies or care packages to them.
- Record a zoom testimony or interview with a mission partner and play it during your gathered worship time.
- See if you can support their ministry virtually, like teaching English or being a conversation partner on-line.
- Above all, lead your people to pray. You’ll find a lot of current missionary prayer requests at and or by signing up for SCGo News.
ReGathering is a good thing – no doubt. But remember, the gathered church is always called to scatter with the good news of Jesus so that every tribe, every tongue, and every nation may worship around His throne (Rev. 7:9-10). Make it a priority during this time of coming together to Advance Anyway by injecting a clear call and plan for your church to reach the nations for the glory of Christ.