How Long Will God Put Up with Us? Morning Sacrifice, Week One/ Day 1
Morning Sacrifice, WEEK ONE / Day 1
June 3, 2022 Revitalization

“How Long Will God Put Up with Us?”
Matthew 17:14-23
How long does revitalization take? This question surpasses human understanding. Only God knows how long a person’s life is, how long it will be before He returns for His church, or how long the rejuvenation process is for the church.
What does God require of us? Pause. Process. What is God requiring of you? He desires His people to have faith and be faithful. In Matthew 17:14-23, Jesus’ disciples could not help the man whose son had seizures, but Jesus could. After Jesus healed him, the disciples asked why they could not heal the boy. Jesus replied that they had little faith. He seemed to indicate they did not believe the Lord could heal the boy through their hands, their prayers. He said if they had faith even as small as a mustard seed, they could have healed the boys and could even move mountains.
What areas in your life do you show God faith? What mountain do you need to move. The following statement will be repeated throughout these devotions: Church revitalization is no little task. To turn a church around from years of decline is not quick or easy. It is an endeavor of faith and a miraculous work of God. God can work as a catalyst through you and your faithfulness to His will. Remember, nothing is impossible through faith in Jesus.
Are you feeling discouraged, see no hope, or believe the end is near? Let me remind you again, as I will throughout these devotions: the church is God’s. He does have a plan for your church! So, what is He saying to you today? Are you ready to hear what He has to say?
Listening to God daily is very important. Right now,take a moment and make a commitment to walk daily with the Lord and listen carefully to what He says during your devotional times and to respond the best you can to what He is instructing to you do. James warns followers of Christ to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Knowledge alone will not revitalize the church. God and the actions He instructs will. Listen carefully. Act wisely.
Prayer: Dear God, only You can do the work of revitalization. Please do Your work and do not let me get in Your way. Amen.
Dr. Jerry K. Sosebee,
Retired Director of Church Strategies
South Carolina Baptist Convention

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