
Hunger Relief Week Prayer Guide 2024

Hunger Relief Week Prayer Guide 2024

Global Hunger Sunday is August 25th.

Through the South Carolina Hunger Relief Offering, the South Carolina Baptist Convention is able to financially partner with SCBaptist churches and ministries to help alleviate hunger in South Carolina. This year, SCBaptists will join in prayer for specific needs in our state and around the world.

Day 1: The Food Insecure

Pray for those who suffer from hunger and malnutrition around the world. Ask for God’s provision and guidance to address the root causes of hunger, such as poverty, conflict, and unequal distribution of resources.

Day 2: Organizations and Churches

Pray for organizations and churches dedicated to fighting global hunger. Ask for wisdom, strength, and resources for their work. Pray that their efforts are effective in providing sustainable solutions and reaching those in need.

Day 3: North American Mission Board/Send Relief

Pray for those who are food insecure across the United States. Pray for NAMB, churches, ministry centers, and others who address hunger needs among this vulnerable population.

Day 4: Students

One in seven children faces hunger every day in South Carolina. Please pray for these children as well as the teachers, administrators, and churches who serve them.

Day 5: The Food Insecure

Pray for families and communities affected by hunger. Ask for God’s comfort and strength for those who go to bed hungry.

Day 6: SC Hunger Offering

Pray for our SCBaptist churches as they consider both how to personally serve the food insecure and how they may contribute financially to the SC Hunger Offering, which supports churches across SC as they address hunger needs in their communities.

Day 7: International Mission Board/Send Relief International

Pray for the IMB and all who seek to address poverty and hunger needs globally. Pray that those who have their physical hunger alleviated would also have opportunities to address their spiritual hunger by being introduced to Jesus.

Remember to pray with a heart of compassion and consider taking practical actions to support organizations and initiatives that work toward alleviating hunger in South Carolina, across North America, and around the world.

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