Compensation Study Request Complete and submit the form below for each position requested. Staff Position Descriptions Compensation Study Request Church InfomationPlease provide the church information for your request below.Church Name(Required)Church Address(Required) Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code Contact PersonPlease provide the contact information for the best point-of-contact for your request above.Person's Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Church Staff PositionIf you're unsure of the best-suited title, you will find a list of positions in the link above.Select church/ministry staff position(Required)Senior PastorSolo PastorExecutive / Administrative Pastor/MinisterAssociate Pastor/MinisterYouth Pastor/Minister/DirectorAdult Ministry Pastor/Minister/DirectorChildren's / Preschool Pastor/Minister/DirectorMusic / Choir / Worship Pastor/Minister/DirectorMedia / Production / Arts / Communication / DesignAdministratorAccountant / BookkeeperChild-Care ProviderCustodianMaintence PersonnelMusician / Accompanist / VocalistSecretary / Administrative AssistantCommunication / Design PublicationAnnual Salary/Pay (USD $)Include this if you are currently paying a salary for the position you are inquiring about and want to see if it lines up with the compensation study recommendation. Annual Salary/Pay should reflect the position's current gross yearly salary. It will include housing allowance (if clergy) but will exclude the value of other benefits, such as health insurance, dental, and so on.Years of Experience(Required)Less than 3 years3 to 5 years6 to 10 years11 to 15 years16 to 20 years21 to 25 yearsMore than 25 yearsSelect year range.Education Level(Required)High School Diploma or lessAssociates DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeDoctorate DegreeSelect highest degree attained.Employment Status(Required) Full-Time Part-Time Ordination Status(Required) No Preference Not Ordained Ordained Is the individual considered ordained, licensed, or commissioned?Church Budget(Required)Under $50,000$50,001 - $100,000$100,001 - $250,000$250,001 - $500,000$500,001 - $750,000$750,001 - $1,000,000$1,000,001 - $2,000,000$2,000,001 - $3,000,000$3,000,001 - $5,000,000Over $5,000,000Select budget range.Church Setting(Required)Metropolitan AreaSuburban AreaSmall Town/Rural CityFarming AreaSelect geographical area.Church Size(Required)Under 5050-100101-200201-300301-500501-750751-1,0001,000-2,0002,000-3,000Over 3,000"Church Size" is how many people, including children, attend all weekend worship services.Processing TimePlease allow up to five business days for your custom report by email. (Note that SCBC is closed on Fridays.)CAPTCHA