Church Planting in the Asia-Pacific Rim

“We’re seeing God do wonderful things in sending out missionaries in their own community,” Mark McCrary said.
Bev and Mark McCrary serve as missionary personnel in the Asia-Pacific Rim with the International Mission Board. With the instrumental role of SCBaptists in sending out missionaries to reach the unreached and unengaged people worldwide, the McCrarys specifically focus on working with Asian and Chinese churches. They’ve seen the planting of dozens of churches and the ongoing multiplication of missionaries thanks to the giving of SCBaptists to the Cooperative Program.
Pray for:
- God to continue to bless and sustain Mark and Bev as they serve in the Asia-Pacific Rim
- The newly planted churches to grow and thrive
- God to send more workers to the Asia-Pacific Rim
The Great Commission isn’t the mission of one church or a single believer. It’s a collective mission that we fund collectively through the Cooperative Program.