Age is No Barrier
Marcia Carter felt the tug of her children and grandchildren when she thought about serving as a missionary overseas. Her husband Ben knew he was called to go and was eager to move overseas to serve as a missionary when he retired. Through much prayer and waiting on the Lord, God removed the barriers. He even provided for the care of their aging mother so Marcia and Ben could fulfill God’s calling to serve as missionaries in South Asia.
Even though Ben was ready to go, and Marcia had reservations at first, both realized they could not stay home in South Carolina when millions upon millions of lost in South Asia needed to know about Jesus. Ben heard about the needs and opportunities to serve in South Asia when a church member shared about her mission trip in their church. He immediately signed up to go on the next trip. Marcia asked the Lord to let her stay home but willingly went with her husband on the mission trip. Ben said, “this is home” when he arrived on the mission field. Marcia saw the tremendous need of the people and felt the warmth of their hospitality. She too knew God was calling them to serve as missionaries. The couple did not need any further education to go through the appointment process and one year later, they were on their way to South Asia to serve as full time team associates.
Through the International Mission Board (IMB), there are many ways people can serve as full-time missionaries. The IMB needs people with experience in health care, education, agriculture, logistics, and leadership. There are opportunities for students, adults, and senior adults to serve. If you sense a call to go, let your pastor know so he can pray with you. Contact the IMB and the Send Team for help going through the process of appointment.
Marcia shared her passion for missions this way. “God blessed us with the ability to go. We are in good health, we are financially able, and we are retired. I’d rather come home from the mission field dirt poor, than sit on the porch and watch the world go by.” Encore Mission is a term that describes people who choose to give the encore of their lives to God’s Great Commission. If you have served on mission in one place longer than a couple of weeks and want to share your story, I would love to hear from you. If you are willing to explore opportunities to serve mid-term on mission nationally or overseas, please get in touch.
*Publicity names used for security.
Tim Rice, Mission Partnership Director