Thank you for choosing to be part of the nomination process to fill vacancies on the South Carolina Baptist Convention Committees, the Executive Board, and Ministry Partner Boards of Trustees.

Our nomination process uses  (DocuSign©) electronic forms on the SCBaptist website. Nominators only need to complete the Nomination Form, then the candidates or nominees will finalize the process by submitting the appropriate supporting forms.

The deadline for all nominations is May 31, 2025. This allows time for our  vetting process of nominees and candidates.

Feel free to email Janet Clonts with any questions. Thank you for your participation in this important process!

Ministry Partner Trustees

Ministry Partner Trustees serve five-year terms. One-fifth (1/5) of the trustees retire from each board every year. As of 2021, Ministry Partner Boards must maintain an 80/20 ratio from either group of ordained members or laity. New trustees must attend an orientation meeting at the Convention Building each year. This meeting typically is held in February or March. 




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Executive Board

The Executive Board members serve four-year terms. The full Board meets three times a year: April, October, and December. Board members are encouraged to attend the Convention's Annual Meeting in November. Membership of the board is divided into two groups—ordained members and laity. The Board must maintain an 80/20 ratio between the two groups. The Executive Board constitutes the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Baptist Convention and details are published online in the Convention Bylaws.



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SCBaptist Standing Committees

Our bylaws establish the Standing Committees of the Convention. Below is a list of these committees and the terms of service for each. 

  • Bylaws Committee—9 members, 3-year term 
  • Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee—9 members, 3-year term 
  • Enrollment and Credentials Committee—7 members, 1-year term (The Registration Secretary is the chair of this committee.) 
  • History Committee—6 members, 3-year term 
  • Nominations Committee—24 members, 3-year term (based on 12 regions) 
  • Resolutions Committee—6 members, 3-year term 


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