NextStep Priority Advance Grant Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Church(Required)City(Required)Association(Required)Project Title(Required)Project Date(s)(Required)Project Type (check all that apply)(Required) Strong Project Serve Project Share Project Send Project Start Project Detailed Description of the Project:(Required)Projected Outcomes and Goals of the Project(Required)Expected Completion Date(Required)Total Projected Cost of the Project(Required)Amount Funded by the Church(Required)Amount Funded by Other Sources(Required)Check here if you are receiving any funding for this project from another South Carolina Baptist Convention source and provide details below.(Required) yes no SCBC Funding DetailsNextStep Grant Amount Requested(Required)Additional comments for consideration regarding how this project will lead Kingdom advancement.Consent(Required) I affirm that information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.Consent(Required) I acknowledge that approved applications and receipt of a grant requires submitting an after-action-report, including copies of expense receipts.Tell Your Story I am willing to be contacted by a member of the SCBC Creative Services Team for the purpose of covering this project to tell my church’s story and celebrate the work South Carolina Baptist churches are doing to advance Kingdom growth. CAPTCHA