Serving on Spring Break

Students from the University of Carolina’s BCM served over their spring break with BeachReach Panama City Beach, a ministry aimed at sharing the love of God with spring breakers flocking to Panama City Beach from all over the nation.
The trip was covered in prayer by SCBaptists, and Columbia Collegiate Minister Adam Venters said, “Thank you so much for praying over our mission trip to Panama City. God was so good to us and opened so many doors while we were there.”

By meeting the physical needs of spring breakers, whether through food or transportation, students were able to share the Good News of Christ. Over the week, the USC BCM team of students shared the gospel 120 times and prayed over 93 different people. They were also able to witness one individual moving from death to life and accepting Christ while they were there.
In all, there were 1107 shuttle rides given, 4905 shuttle riders, 1657 Gospel conversations, 1031 individuals prayed for, and 12 salvations.
The Lord is moving in Panama City Beach! Continue to pray for the other BCM groups that will be attending in the next two weeks. Pray that the Lord moves mightily through BeachReach!