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SCBaptists: Who Are We?

SCBaptists: Who Are We?

At our core, South Carolina Baptists are a family of like-minded churches in friendly cooperation for Great Commission advance.

We convene annually to set direction then voluntarily work together daily to reach our neighbors and the nations for Christ.

We are diverse in congregational composition and practical expression. No two churches look or feel exactly the same. We sharpen one another in secondary doctrinal interpretations, often agreeing to disagree because our shared mission is bigger than our individual persuasion.

We network in forty-two associations, train future leaders in three colleges, and work for the good of our state through ministry to the aging, children’s homes, public policy engagement, heart for schools, disaster relief, and much more.

We pool our resources and relationships for Great Commission advance not only in our neighborhoods but throughout the nations, cooperating with like-minded mission partners who enlarge and expand our gospel footprint.

We give.

We gather.

We send.

We go.

We pray.

We evangelize.

We disciple.

We bless.

We collaborate.

We cooperate.

We do these things together. Because every life counts and each church can, and because together, the reward is great for our labor (Ecc. 4:9).

-Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director-Treasurer


  • Dr. Tony Wolfe

    Dr. Tony Wolfe

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