SCBaptists Meet with Legislators to Discuss Pro-Life Path Forward

On May 2, South Carolina Baptist leaders Tony Wolfe, Tony Beam, Bryant Sims and others visited the State House to meet with legislators, Governor Henry McMaster, and Speaker Murrell Smith. Their mission was to discuss and pray for a pro-life path forward as the legislative session winds down.
South Carolina currently has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the Southeast, with around 1,000 abortions performed monthly, half of which involve out-of-state residents. With surrounding states tightening their own laws, that number is expected to rise in the coming months.

As believers in the value of every life, South Carolina Baptists are calling for action to protect both mothers and children. They are urging constituents to contact their legislators and advocate for pro-life policies in these final days of the session. Let’s make sure South Carolina is known as a state of life, not death.