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Important Medical Marijuana Update

Important Medical Marijuana Update

Important Medical Marijuana Update

We need people to come to Columbia to testify against the bill. To be eligible to testify, you must sign up in advance. Use the link provided below to send an email to the 3M committee stating your desire to be heard. You must send the email by 12:00 noon on Friday, April 1. Be sure to include your name and let them know you will be testifying against the bill. Please circle Tuesday, April 19 on your calendar. We need people to come to Columbia that day for a press conference against medical marijuana. The press conference will be held in the second-floor lobby of the Capitol Building and it will begin at 10:00 am. We need a huge turnout to demonstrate the majority of people in South Carolina do not want our state to be taken over by the Marijuana Industrial Complex. We are fast approaching our last stand against S150, the Compassionate Care Act, better known as so-called “medical marijuana.” On Thursday morning, March 31, the 3M Committee of the South Carolina House passed the bill to the full committee, which will meet on Monday, April 4 at 10:00 am to hear testimony for and against the bill. Please take note of the following two urgent items: AND THE GOOD NEWS? YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE! Grassroots pressure in the form of phone calls to Senators and House members broke the log jam that was holding several bills at bay. The Save Women’s Sports bill is now on the floor of the Senate and will likely pass the Senate next week. The Medical Rights of Conscience Act passed the House and is now on the way to the Senate. The Religion is Essential bill from the Senate Judiciary Committee to the Senate floor. The ESA bill (Education Savings Account) passed the Senate and is on the way to the House. Calls to your Representatives and Senators make a difference! Your prayers, your engagement, and your willingness to take a stand is the catalyst behind getting these bills moving, giving them a chance to be passed into law. Now, let’s come together and stand against the spread of marijuana in our state!


  • Dr. Tony Beam

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