EDT Search Team Update

The Executive Director-Treasurer Search Team of the South Carolina Baptist Convention is excited to introduce Dr. Tony Wolfe as our candidate for Executive Director-Treasurer.
On Monday morning, February 27, 2023, at a called Executive Board Meeting at First Baptist Church of Columbia, Team Chairman Ian Geimer made the motion: “On behalf of the Executive Director-Treasurer Search Team, and as its Chairman, I move that the Executive Board accept our recommendation of Dr. Tony Wolfe for this position and nominate him to the South Carolina Baptist Convention.” The Executive Board affirmed this motion.
Dr. Wolfe currently serves as the Associate Executive Director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. In his 23 years of ministry experience, he has served Southern Baptist churches in Texas and Louisiana as a denominational leader, interim pastor, pastor, worship leader, Christian educator, and pastoral counselor. He brings a passion for the local church and for cooperation among Baptists to fulfill the Great Commission.
This afternoon, per the bylaws of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the president gave notice of a called Convention meeting, to be held on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 1:30 pm at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia, SC.
Dr. Wolfe and Search Team Chairman, Ian Geimer will also be touring the state for meet and greet opportunities with South Carolina Baptists, prior to the called meeting, at the following times and locations: March 15, 2023, at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Florence at 9:00 am and Summerville Baptist Church in Summerville at 3:00 pm; March 16, 2023, at Taylors First Baptist Church in Taylors at 9:00 am and Lexington Baptist Church in Lexington at 3:00 pm; March 17, 2023, at First Baptist Church of Rock Hill at 9:30 am.
Rev. Ian Geimer
Chairman of EDT Search Team
Kingstree First Baptist Church
EDT Search Team Members: Stephen Cannon, Tim Coker, Ben Harr, Steve Hogg, Ian Geimer, Donna Gilmore, and Talmadge Tobias.