White Oak Conference Center Sold
We are excited to announce the official sale of the White Oak Conference Center located in Winnsboro, South Carolina. During the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention held in 2016, the Executive Board was tasked by the Vision Committee to “recommend a plan of action in regard to the White Oak Conference Center that would reduce the need for Cooperative Program funding.” The Executive Board in 2017 voted to pursue seeking buyers for WOCC.
The facility was sold on a “lease/purchase” agreement to a private school out of Winnsboro. That agreement was cancelled on the part of the buyer in June of 2019. The property was then marketed for sale, with a hope for a faith-based buyer, through several different avenues including a closed bid process.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the facilities were shut down to the public in July of 2020. A skeleton crew of staff kept the facilities viable, though the buildings were showing age and lack of use. The largest users of White Oak, SummerSalt and KidSalt, were relocated to Charleston Southern University, a ministry partner of the SCBC, in the summer of 2021.
At the end of the closed bid period, a viable buyer surfaced. The first quarter of 2022 has been spent in negotiation and due diligence. We are excited to confirm that the White Oak Conference Center has now been sold to the Seventh District of the A.M.E. Church. They will be referring to it as the Vision Center and have plans for years of Christ-centered ministry ahead. The property, including timberland north of the facility, and buildings were sold for a little more than $2,000,000.
After decades of faithful stewardship of WOCC, we are excited that the legacy of the Lord’s work will continue on this ground. We look forward in great anticipation for the work that the Lord will continue to do through the Seventh District A.M.E. Church with this facility.