VBS Expos

VBS Expos provide practical ministry ideas, with real solutions, as churches seek to deepen and widen their success in reaching kids and families in their communities through VBS.

You’ll discover the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things at this year’s VBS Expo! ! Bring your team and equip your leaders with the essentials they will need to reach kids and families in your community for Christ this summer. We’ll explore the BIG things about how to make your VBS the best one yet and grow deeper as we explore kid min training topics too. 

Whether your VBS is a camp, a week day program, or a summer long event, enjoy a training that has a best practices approach that makes learning fun, engaging, and life changing! Join us as we network with other leaders and discover that we were made to magnify God, together!


Charleston - March 11th

Greenville - March 29th

Columbia - April 5th

FBC Holly Hill - 8455 Old State Road
Rocky Creek Baptist - 1801 Woodruff Road
New Heights Church - 5501 Broad River Road

If you need large group pricing (15+) or are a church plant, please reach out to Olivia Caddell at oliviacaddell@scbaptist.org or 803-227-6016.

Base Sessions

Grades 1-4 Bible Study Overview - An introduction to the Bible study resources for teaching 1st-4th graders.

Preschool VBS Overview - An introduction to Bible teaching for 3s-Kindergarten (rising 1st graders). This session will be applicable whether you are teaching the 3s through Pre-K or Kindergarten resources.

VBX Bible Study Overview - An introduction to the Bible study resources for 5th-6th graders.

DOM/Pastors/Church Plants - Learn how VBS can be a powerful tool to reach new communities + grow your ministries! In this base session, we'll explore strategies for using VBS as an outreach opportunity, equipping volunteers, and building relationships that extend beyond the summer. Walk away with practical insights and resources to help you establish a thriving children's ministry that supports the mission of your church.

Children's Mission Rotation - An introduction to the grades 1-6 missions rotation resources.

Children's Music Rotation - Learn the daily VBS songs and motions for grades 1-6 with our VBS choreographer.

Children's Craft Rotation - An introduction to the grades 1-6 crafts rotation.

Directors Overview - Tips for the new and experienced VBS directors plus an introduction to the VBS 2025 Administrative Guide.

Spanish VBS Overview - Discover effective ways to make your VBS engaging + accessible for Spanish-speaking learners! In this breakout session, we'll explore practical strategies for teaching Bible lessons, incorporating bilingual resources, and creating an inclusive environment for children of all language backgrounds. Gain valuable tools to bridge the language gap and ensure every child feels welcomed, understood, and inspired to grow in their faith.


Breakout Sessions 1 & 2

Magnify the Bigness of God for You - This breakout will provide tips + tools to bring the Bible to life for children. You'll discover small changes t make the Bible a BIG deal in your VBS!

Discipleship that GROWS! - Learn how to cultivate a discipleship journey that nurtures lasting spiritual growth beyond VBS! In this breakout session, we'll explore practical strategies to engage kids in meaningful faith development, equipping them with the tools to grow in their walk with Christ. Discover how to create a discipleship culture that extends beyond a week of VBS and into everyday life!

Magnifying the Classroom Experience: Learning Styles, Tips, and Tricks - Discover how to create a dynamic + engaging VBS classroom that caters to all learning styles! In this breakout session, you'll explore practical tips + tricks to support visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, ensuring every child connects with the lesson in a meaningful way. Walk away with fresh insights and strategies to foster a thriving, faith-filled environment where kids and parents grow together in Christ.

Defining Success for Kids and Parents in Children's Ministry - Explore what true success looks like in children’s ministry for both kids and parents! In this breakout session, we’ll discuss practical ways to set meaningful goals, measure spiritual growth, and create a ministry that impacts families beyond Sunday mornings. Walk away with fresh insights and strategies to foster a thriving, faith-filled environment where kids and parents grow together in Christ.

Leading a Child to Christ - Vacation Bible School is a powerful opportunity to share the message of Jesus with children in a fun and engaging environment. This session will provide practical insights and strategies for leading a child to Christ during VBS, with a focus on creating meaningful, age-appropriate gospel presentations. Discover ways to foster conversations based on their spiritual development and ensure follow-up support for children who make decisions to follow Christ.

Magnifying Worship: Beyond Music - Exploring ways to worship our Great BIG GOD with HIS little ones. Guide kids to discover new ways to worship and glorify God that go beyond music and movement.

Zoom In on Volunteers - From recruitment to retention, let’s focus on the people that make VBS happen. We will discuss avoiding burnout among your team. This breakout will take a close look at strategies for building and maintaining a healthy team.

VBS Outside the Box - Sometimes a shift in leadership, budget cuts, calendar conflicts, or limited space, can be a cause for discussion to hit the pause button. Rather than hitting the pause button on VBS , think outside the box for intentionally innovative ways to make VBS happen.

Spanish VBS - Descubre formas efectivas de hacer que tu VBS sea atractiva y accesible para los niños que hablan español! En esta sesión, exploraremos estrategias prácticas para enseñar las lecciones bíblicas, incorporar recursos bilingües y crear un ambiente inclusivo para niños de todos los niveles de idioma. Obtén herramientas valiosas para cerrar la brecha del idioma y asegurarte de que cada niño se sienta bienvenido, comprendido e inspirado a crecer en su fe.

Submit your VBS/Summer Highlight Form

We want to join you in celebrating what God is doing at your VBS! Help up by completing the following info!

Additional VBS Resources

VBS Resources provide practical ministry ideas, with real solutions, as churches seek to deepen and widen their success in reaching kids and families in their communities through VBS. Learn More

Request a SCBC VBS Team Leader

Need a specific topic covered at your church? Our conference leaders can help you navigate any VBS topic. Request a SCBC VBS Leadership Team member to help you lead your VBS training.

Request VBS Materials

Do you need additional resources from a current or past VBS to use in your church? Whatever the reason, we would love to share our resources with you! Did you know the SCBC has a copy of every VBS from the past few years? Come borrow what resources you need, use them, and then bring them back for the next church to check out. It’s a great way to steward what God has given us.


LifeWay’s VBS Website: https://vbs.lifeway.com

LifeWay’s VBS Shop: https://www.lifeway.com/en/shop/vacation-bible-school

Downloads and Media: https://vbs.lifeway.com/resources/

NEW! VBS Directors Club: https://vbs.lifeway.com/directors-club/

LifeWay’s VBS Blog: https://vbs.lifeway.com/blog/

Join Our Facebook Group

Are you a VBS Director within South Carolina? You’re invited to join our private SCBC Vacation Bible School Facebook Group to connect, share ideas, and get information from others across our state!


Questions? We are here to help!!


Associate Director: Preschool and Children’s Ministry

kathymiles@scbaptist.org | 803.227.6061

Contact our Preschool and Children's Team

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