
Heart4Schools is a network of churches serving students and teachers in South Carolina. We've made it easy to find a school in need of church partnerships through an interactive map.


Heart4Schools is a network of churches serving students and teachers in South Carolina. We've made it easy to find a school in need of church partnerships through an interactive map.

Our desire is to connect every school in South Carolina with a church that loves and serves them well.

There are 1,223 schools to partner with and over 630 of these have churches serving through Reading Buddies, Teacher Support, and/or Backpack Buddies (weekend food for the food insecure).

Did you know?

57 percent SC

57% of students in grades 2-8 are behind grade level in English Language Arts and 29% are two grade levels behind.

6000 to 7000

In any give year, roughly 6,000 - 7,000 SC public school teachers leave their position and as many as 1,000 positions remain vacant after the start of the year.

1 in 7 children

1 in 7 children go to school hungry every day in South Carolina.

What can local churches do?

Number 1
Schedule time to sit down with leaders at your local school and ask, "How can we help?"
Number 2
Listen to what they say, mobilize your church, and meet the need!
Number 3
Continue your partnership!

This may include:

  • Reading Buddies
  • Teacher Support and Encouragement
  • Backpack Buddies (weekend food)
  • Stay in touch with leaders throughout the year.  Continue to ask, "How can we help?"

Heart4Schools Facebook Group

Network with other churches, share your creative ideas for serving students and teachers, and celebrate the work that God is doing across our state.

Join our group

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace… in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 4: 10-12

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