2025 Ministers’ Wives Retreat

Embassy Suites - Myrtle Beach, SC, Myrtle Beach


    Monday, Sep 15th

  • **Be sure to book hotel room by September 15th** - Hotel room is NOT included in registration this year. Hotel booking information is below the register button or use the quick links hotel link.

    Friday, Oct 24th

  • Registration - 4:00pm
  • Session 1 - 6:30pm
  • Cohorts - 8:00pm

    Saturday, Oct 25th

  • Session 2 - 9:30am
  • Cohorts - 11:00am
  • Lunch - 12:30pm
  • Free Time - 1:30pm
  • Session 3 - 5:00pm
  • Dinner - 6:30pm

    Sunday, Oct 26th

  • Check-out - 10:30am
  • Worship & Cohorts on the beach - 11:00am
  • Dismiss - 12:00pm

We’re gathering in the beautiful setting of Myrtle Beach for a time of renewal, encouragement, and connection. Step away from the busyness of your everyday responsibilities and embrace this opportunity to rest, recharge, and bond with other women who share the unique joys and challenges of ministry life. Together, we’ll explore the theme “The Goodness of God” and learn ways to support fellow ministry wives in North America and beyond. Whether you’re a seasoned minister’s wife or new to this journey, we would love to meet you!

Cost includes food and materials.

Hotel room is NOT included in registration this year. Please see below, your registration confirmation email, or the quick links link for hotel booking information.

  • Booking link: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/scbaptistministerswivesretreat2025/
  • Call-in: Call Reservations at (800) 876–0010, Option 2 for the Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach Resort. Identify yourself as attendees of SC Baptist Ministers Wives Retreat 2025 and use the following SRP code: BMR.
  • All-in price: $526.40 (includes 2 nights, resort fee, self-parking fee, and taxes for 1 hotel room). We encourage you to ask your church to cover your hotel. 

**Guest Room Reservations Confirmed by September 15, 2025**

Refund Policy: No refund if cancellation is after 09/10/2025. **Please note that if you cancel, you will need to cancel both your registration with SCBC AND your room with the hotel. SCBC is not responsible for hotel room cancellation.**


        "ID": 13767,
        "post_author": "52",
        "post_date": "2022-09-22 09:26:22",
        "post_date_gmt": "2022-09-22 14:26:22",
        "post_content": "Michelle Myers is the founder of She Works His Way, a non-profit discipleship community for working women that exists to strengthen the churches (Acts 15:41) and stir one another up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). With the gospel as the foundation, Michelle helps put practical steps to the ultimate goal of living for the glory of God and the good of others. Most recently, she co-authored a book with her best friend, Somer Phoebus, called She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World. She and her husband, James, live in Asheville, NC where James is the Central Discipleship Pastor at Biltmore Church, with their three children: Noah, Cole and Shea.",
        "post_title": "Michelle Myers",
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  • Michelle Myers

    Michelle Myers

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