CATALYST APPLICATION Applications are closed for Spring 2025. Please check back later for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025. Catalysts - Application Personal Information:Preferred Name:(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Please provide your personal email address and NOT a school email address. Married?:(Required) Yes No Do you have a valid driver's license?(Required) Yes No Ethnicity:Native American or Alaska NativeAsianHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or other Pacific IslanderWhite/CaucasianOtherChoose not to discloseAre you a US Citizen?:(Required) Yes No I am a permanent resident of the US I am an international student studying in the US What are the teams you would like to serve on of the available Catalyst options?:(Required)You may list up to 3, but please list them in the order of your preference.What term are you looking to start your Catalyst experience?(Required)Summer 2025Fall 2025What size t-shirt do you wear?(Required)What size sweater do you wear?(Required)University Information:Name of University Currently Attending:(Required)Please type N/A if not currently enrolledWhat year in College/University will you be while serving as a Catalyst?:(Required)FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate school/seminaryNot enrolled in college/universityCurrent Major:(Required)School Address:(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Church Information:Name of church you currently attend:(Required)Current church's affiliation:(Required)Southern BaptistOther BaptistHispanic or LatinoNon-denominationalMethodist tradition (United Methodist, Wesleyan)Presbyterian tradition (PCA, ARP, PCUSA)OtherUnsureCurrent Church's Address:(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Are you a member of this church?:(Required) Yes, for more than 5 years Yes, for less than 5 years No If not a member of the church above, please provide your membership church name:Membership Church's Address: Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Describe when and how you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior:(Required)Describe your baptism experience and what it means to you:(Required)How have you grown in your relationship with Christ in the past year?:(Required)What roles of leadership have you held at school and/or church/ministry?:(Required)Please list N/A if noneIn what ways have you seen God use you in ministry?(Required)In what areas of ministry would you like to improve?(Required)List employment experience: (optional)What additional information would you like to share with your field supervisor?:(Required)Please include information that will help them better know you as a person and give them insight into your skills and interests.How did you hear about the Catalyst program?(Required)Current or Former CatalystCampus MinisterPastor/Church StaffWebsiteSocial MediaOtherPlease list all known food allergies:(Required)Please include food, medications, environmental, etc. (enter NONE if you have no known allergies).Sensitive InformationThe following questions are highly personal. This sensitive information will be handled confidentially by those who evaluate your application. Because of the high visibility of our personal lives as we minister to others, we need to be above reproach and live in a way that brings glory to God. As representatives of Christ, Catalysts must exhibit strong convictions and a lifestyle consistent with biblical standards. As an applicant, we want you to know that a past problem with illegal drug use and/or immoral relationships will not prevent you from being accepted provided it can be determined that your convictions are strong and consistent with the Bible and a sufficient track record of Christian living has been established. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explainDo you have any physical or emotional limitations that could hinder or affect your service as a Catalyst?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explainHave you ever been accused or charged with child abuse or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation of a minor?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explainIs there anything in your past or present that would hinder you in any way from effectively ministering with children or youth?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explainHave you ever been accused of or engaged in inappropriate conduct with another person?(Required) Yes No As a Christian ministry, SCBC upholds the highest standards for people serving with our organization. Inappropriate conduct includes but is not limited to such things as real or virtual sexual activity with a minor, threatening behavior, verbal or sexual harassment, unwanted advances, or racist speech.If yes, please explainDo you struggle with gender, sexual identity and or attraction that does not align with God's design as outlined above?(Required) Yes No Please explain efforts you are making to live by God's design for sexuality and gender:(Required)Catalyst should maintain the highest Christian standards, integrity and morals. Once you are accepted and have made a commitment to your assignment, you are expected to agree and comply with the following standards. Please read each statement and check that you have read and agree:(Required) I will be FLEXIBLE, understanding that ministry never comes in neat packages. I will gladly deal with change based on the needs of the situation and guidance of my supervisor; I agree to treat others-including ministry partners, team members, my supervisor, and those to whom I minister-with respect at all times; I will maintain the highest standards of Christian character, conduct, and courtesy. In order to maintain the credibility of my Christian witness, I will keep my character above reproach; I agree to respond promptly and act responsible to my mentor or partnering church; I agree to monitor my phone usage and resist activity that keeps my focus from my ministry; In respect of Christian and cultural norms I will refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, pornography, or other such activities that could call into question my integrity or hinder my witness and those with whom I serve; I agree to maintain a daily and healthy relationship with God, continuing to pursue my own spiritual growth and dedicating myself to prayer for the ministry. Do you affirm and wholeheartedly agree to comply with every statement above?(Required) Yes No If no, please explain:Social Media:Please provide your social media links/handles. We will take a look at your online presence.Please provide social links/handles (ex: Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram,, YouTube, etc.):(Required)Reference Information:Please provide the list of three references in the fields below. One reference needs to be your current or previous pastor. Reference 1 (Pastor) Name:(Required) First Last Reference 1 (Pastor) Phone:(Required)Reference 1 (Pastor) Email:(Required) Reference 2 Name:(Required) First Last Reference 2 Phone:(Required)Reference 2 Email:(Required) Reference 3 Name:(Required) First Last Reference 3 Phone:(Required)Reference 3 Email:(Required) PhotoMax. file size: 10 MB.Please provide a recent photo of yourself. CAPTCHA