Victor Rodríguez was born in Texas and raised in Puerto Rico. In 2004 he moved to Charlotte. The inclination to serve in ministry came rather quickly and naturally after his conversion in 2005. He and his wife Eunice have three children, Luis, Adrian, and Ana. In 2016, as Victor continued to grow in his love for the Lord, his understanding of the sufficiency Scriptures, and the need for Spanish-speaking churches who are committed to living out the gospel through sound doctrine…he said yes to the pastoral call. Eunice serves her family and serves the church through music, as well as, ministering to other women. Victor is currently completing his Masters degree in Christian Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic the Lord in His sovereignty, grace, and mercy took two churches in need (one in Charlotte and the other in Rock Hill) and merged them, so that they might be revitalized demonstrating His love and care for His children.
Pastor Victor is a natural connector and relationship builder which is evident in his response to how he wants to serve the local church body, “That we may know the Lord through the revelation of His word and for lives to be transformed through the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.