Since 1925, the Cooperative Program is how the Southern Baptist Convention, and state conventions like SCBaptist, have funded missions and ministries.
The donations made through the Cooperative Program count toward the requirements for the seating of Messengers at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, toward the requirements for receiving a 501(c)(3) group exemption through the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and toward the eligibility requirements for South Carolina Baptist Convention Executive Board Membership and boards of trustees for SCBC ministry partners.

When you give to your local church, dollars are dispersed according to the church's budget plan - part of which may include investing in missions and ministry through the Cooperative Program.
When your church sends its CP contribution to the South Carolina Baptist Convention, a portion of the funds are delineated to SCBaptist missions, ministries, and programs, including the South Carolina Baptist universities, while the remaining portion is forwarded on to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).
The SBC distributes Cooperative Program funds to the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, theological seminaries, and more, to mobilize resources that bear witness across North America and to the ends of the earth.
The Great Commission isn't the mission of one church or a single believer. It's a collective mission that we fund collectively through the Cooperative Program.

Give+Go is a holistic initiative that challenges SCBaptists to increase evangelistic engagement and Cooperative Program investment in 2025.