Accelerating The Advance
The South Carolina Baptist Convention (SCBaptist) is a family of more than 2,100 churches working together to advance the Great Commission. We mobilize missionaries and develop leaders so that every life will be saturated and transformed by the hope of the Gospel.
The South Carolina Baptist Convention is a family of churches that voluntarily pool their resources together to send missionaries and develop leaders to see every life saturated and transformed by the hope of the Gospel, beginning in South Carolina. No other organization in South Carolina has dedicated more time, resources, and energy to saving humanity than South Carolina Baptists. The South Carolina Baptist Convention staff of missionaries is committed to helping our 2100+ churches advance in the noble effort.
We help the church advance by deploying missionaries and developing leaders. Advancing churches are STRONG in leadership and disciple-making strategies. They SERVE the community, SHARE hope with neighbors, SEND missionaries, and START new works.
The South Carolina Baptist staff develops partnerships to deploy missionaries and cultivate environments to develop leaders. These environments include conferences, camps, collaboratives, and coaching environments that help the Church advance.

Fulfilling The Great Commission
We see a day where every life is saturated and transformed by the hope of the Gospel, beginning in South Carolina and extending to the ends of the Earth.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19