Heart4Schools is a network of churches serving students and teachers in South Carolina. The focus is on three avenues of service: Reading Buddies, Teacher Support, and Backpack Buddies. Churches typically begin in one area and expand ministries over time.
Disaster Relief
We train leaders, develop new teams, and lead in Christian discipleship and evangelism in the area of Disaster Relief as South Carolina Baptists bring help, hope, and healing during local, state, national, and international disasters.
Foster Care and Adoption
Carry out His legacy and make a difference in the life of a child. We in South Carolina can come together as one to be the light for vulnerable children everywhere.
Hunger Relief
Through the South Carolina Hunger Relief Offering, the South Carolina Baptist Convention is able to financially partner with SCBC congregations and ministries to help alleviate hunger in South Carolina. A percentage of the offering is also shared with the International and North American Mission Boards for hunger relief ministry efforts.
Christmas Prisoner Packets
Since 1976, South Carolina Baptists have been caring for inmates and providing hope through Christmas Prisoner Packets.
We're Here To Help
Strong churches can saturate and transform South Carolina with the hope of the Gospel. Reach out so we can help you fulfill the Great Commission.
Upcoming Serve Events

Trauma-Informed Ministry Training
South Carolina Baptist Convention - Room 117

Disaster Relief Spring Training 2025
Alice Drive Baptist Church
Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.
Matthew 20:26
Seeing our communities, and not just looking at them, offers insight into how God might be working in our midst.
How could you begin to see your community from a new perspective? Where might you find some blind spots that could be addressed?
More than food and clothing – Compassion Ministries, at its best, is a movement of believers who create spaces for reconciliation and who speak up for the marginalized.
How are you engaging your community with this kind of transformative love of God?
Ministry with the poor, vulnerable and marginalized is an invitation, not only to demonstrate God’s love, but to deepen our own experience of His love as well.
How could your church leverage its unique giftedness to impact communities for generations to come?
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God
Micah 6:8
Serve Team

Jon Jamison
Team Leader - Serve

Angela McNeal
Strategist - Community Ministry

Susan Peugh
Director - Disaster Relief

Sue Harmon
Operations Manager - Disaster Relief

Sandy Bezjak
Team Assistant - Serve

Lynne Ross
Consultant (PT) - Literacy Missions

Debbie Royson
Ministry Assistant (PT) - Disaster Relief
Contact The Serve Team
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