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SCBaptist Public Policy Action Alert

SCBaptist Public Policy Action Alert

SCBaptist Public Policy Action Alert



H. 3457

The Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee will meet on Tuesday morning, March 4, at 9:00am in room 110 of the Blatt Building.  The Committee will receive verbal and written testimony on H3457 (see link above to read the bill).  People also know this bill as the Human Life Protection Act. It was approved twice in the House, but the Senate struck the language of the bill and inserted the Heartbeat Bill.  The Heartbeat Bill passed and has survived several state constitutional challenges.  It protects life beginning when a heartbeat is detected (usually around the 6th week of pregnancy). 

The Human Life Protection Act goes beyond the Heartbeat Bill and will end the vast majority of abortions in South Carolina.  We need supporters of the bill in the room when the bill is debated.  If you can come to Columbia for the hearing, please arrive early as it is likely the room will quickly fill to capacity. You may sign up to testify or you can email your written testimony to  You can follow the committee meeting live here: You can certainly attend the hearing without testifying. 

If you know someone in the medical profession willing to testify or submit written testimony, please encourage them to use the email link above or refer them to me. 

We can protect life by prohibiting all abortions except in medical emergencies that threaten the mother’s life.  Please pray for our legislators that God will encourage them to vote to extend protection for the unborn beyond the limits of the Heartbeat Bill.

Here at the members of the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee along with their contact information. 

Chairman, Rep.  Jay Jordon

Rep. Weston  Newton

Rep. Cody Mitchell

Rep. Justin Bamberg

Rep. Elizabeth “Spencer” Wetmore

When contacting your representatives, always remember to “speak the truth in love” and always speak “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” 

He must increase, I must decrease,

Tony Beam

Policy Consultant, SCBaptist

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