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Parental Rights

Last week, I hand delivered copies of the SCBaptist 2024 resolution concerning parental rights to all members of the Senate.  As you will remember, the resolution calls for the SC Legislature to “partner with families to enact legislation that protects and upholds parental rights; ensures that parents have the freedom to make decisions regarding the upbringing, education, and healthcare of their children without outside interferences; and recognizes that parents are the primary arbiters of their child’s moral, physical, and spiritual formation.”  My sources in the House and Senate tell me both chambers are working on legislation that will protect parental rights in education and regarding all medical decisions. I will distribute copies of the resolution to the members of the House the week of February 10-14.  You can find the bills text below:



Marijuana and Gambling

As of this writing, there has been no action on the Compassionate Care Act (medical marijuana) or on any of the proposed legislation to legalize sports betting. I expect those issues to come up later in the session.  Please contact your representative and senator to let them know where you stand on both issues. The SBC has passed multiple resolutions calling for laws that prohibit gambling. Allowing sports betting in South Carolina will open the door to casino gambling. Just as recreational marijuana is the ultimate goal of the marijuana lobby, casino gambling is the ultimate goal of the gambling industry. Legalized gambling  would radically change the culture of our state, and it serves as a tax on those who can least afford it. You can see the SBC resolutions concerning gambling here:  The text of H3625 can be found here:  You can check out the February edition of the Baptist Courier to see my article on pushing back against medical marijuana. 

School Choice

The Senate passed a K-12 school voucher bill 32-12. The vote fell mostly along party lines. Elements of the bill include:

  • Provide scholarships equal to 90% of the money the state sends to the districts per pupil. This means approximately $7,700 would be available.
  • For the coming school year, 10,000 students whose parents earn up to 300% of the federal poverty level can enroll. Eligibility rises to 400% of the poverty level for 15,000 students in 2026-2027. 
  • The money for the scholarships will come from lottery money rather than drawing from the general fund. The S.C. Supreme
    Court ruled, drawing from the general fund violated the state’s ban on public money being used for private education. 
  • All students currently attending private school will be eligible for state aid. 

Governor’s State of the State Address

Governor McMaster delivered his eighth State of the State address on Wednesday, February 5th.  Highlights of the speech include:

  • He touted S.C.’s $1.8 billion surplus, the record-breaking $8.2 billion in capital investment, and the adding of 5,500 new jobs. 
  • Gov, McMaster called for the state’s personal income tax rate to be reduced from 6.2% to 6.0%.
  • He called for starting teacher pay to be increased to $50,000 and for the completion of two nuclear reactors in Fairfield Country. 
  • The Governor called on the Legislature to pass the Education Scholarship Trust Fund.

Protecting Life

There are multiple pro-life bills pending in the House and the Senate. According to several House members, the Human Life Protection Act (which can be found here: has the best chance of passing the House. The SC Family Caucus is pushing for the bill’s passage.  It is currently assigned to the Judiciary Committee. 

On Wednesday, February 12, the S.C. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case Planned Parenthood v. South Carolina.  Planned Parenthood sued, arguing the Fetal Heartbeat law is vague because a baby’s heartbeat is not definitively detectable until at least the ninth week. South Carolina 5th Circuit Court Judge Daniel Coble ruled in favor of the state writing, “it is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that the General Assembly intended, and the public understood, that the time frame of the Act would begin around the six-week mark.” The Supreme Court will release its decision later this year.

Appreciation Luncheon for Our Legislators

The luncheon is Wednesday, February 12 beginning at 11:30am.  You are welcome to join us!  Reach out to your state representative or senator to let them know you will be in town. Come early to visit with them, or if you can make it by 10:30am, you can stop by the Supreme Court to listen to the oral arguments in the Planned Parenthood case.  The luncheon will be on the State House Grounds between the Gressette and Blatt Buildings. You can find parking information at

Please pray for our elected officials as they continue to lead us in Columbia and Washington.

He must increase, I must decrease,

Dr. Tony Beam

Policy Consultant, SCBaptist

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