Alex Walker
Feature Date:
Alex and her team run an English center in their part of the city. This platform enables them to live in this neighborhood without suspicion as it is a more conservative part of the city. They live in a mega city of about 22 million people, and there about 5 million people in their “neighborhood” alone. The main religion in their country is Islam. They also live in a part of the city that is full of refugees from surrounding countries; most of their students at the center are refugees. This presents them with a unique opportunity to be able to reach three people groups in one area, two of which come from war-torn countries.
Prayer Requests:
- A new building to be found for the center, as they have outgrown their current space.
- ·That this new space would still be close to where she currently lives, that it would meet the need for more space, and that it would provide room for a women’s center.
- Endurance for the team as they go through the day to day with little visible fruit.
- Wisdom for security as they try to work with national partners well, and wisdom for their team dynamic as people come and go due to life changes.