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CLPAC Update – April 15, 2024

CLPAC Update – April 15, 2024

CLPAC Update – April 15, 2024


Pastors Encouraged to Attend Statehouse Rally for Judicial Reform

One of the resolutions passed by the South Carolina Baptist Convention in November of 2023 urged our legislators to pass a bill that would reform the appointment process for judges.  Concerning the need for judicial reform, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson said,

“Judicial reform affects everyone, not just those in the criminal justice arena.  I’m encouraged to see faith leaders in South Carolina take an interest in such an important issue.  By working together, we can bring

accountability and transparency to how we select judges.”

The final resolved statement of the resolution says, “South Carolina Baptists support only efforts of reform that conform to the principles of biblical justice and support the goal of more accountability, accessibility and, transparency in the selection of judges.” 

The Senate passed a judicial reform bill by an astounding 41-0 vote!  The House will likely be taking up the bill this week.  Faith Wins, a national conservative organization headed by Chad Connelly (you can check out his organization here, is sponsoring a Pastor’s Day at the SC Statehouse, Tuesday, April 16, beginning with a gathering at the Statehouse Lobby at 12:00noon followed by a 2:00pm press conference.   

 I hope you will be able to come and bring someone with you!  Your presence at the Statehouse will encourage House members to follow the lead of the Senate to pass judicial reform before the end of the session.   

He must increase, I must decrease,

Dr. Tony Beam

Policy Consultant


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