School Improvement Council
Looking For a Powerful Way to Serve a Local School?
All public schools (but not charter schools) are required to have a School Improvement Council, and they need community members to be a part of this special group. Many of our South Carolina pastors volunteer on the SIC at their local school. This gives them an opportunity to develop relationships with the administration, parents, and other community members. They are also able to hear first-hand about the needs of students and teachers and learn innovative ways to help and have a long-term impact on the health of the school. Check out their website to learn more:
An Invitation from Tom Hudson, SC School Improvement Council Director
Want to support children and families in your community? Join your local School Improvement Council as a Community Representative!
If you want to support learning and developmental success for children in your community but donโt know how to get involved, your local School Improvement Council (SIC) is a great place to start.
SICs are a place where representatives of parents, community members, teachers, students (in high schools), and administrators come together to provide schools with input and feedback on school and student needs. Community representatives also help to connect schools with community resources that can help address those needs.
Every K-12 public school should have an SIC that is meeting regularly and includes representatives of the surrounding community. Principals are required to appoint at least two community members to their SIC. Even if those slots are filled, SIC meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend meetings and serve as volunteers.
It takes strong family-school-community partnerships to ensure that every child has an opportunity to get a good education. To find out more about how you can help, contact the principal at the school where you would like to serve to express your interest or contact SC School Improvement Council director, Tom F. Hudson at, 803-777-7658, or 1-800-868-2232.