Too many churches are experiencing a decline in worship attendance, aging, membership, no children or youth, few to zero baptisms, and other challenges.

But there is hope....

Churches across South Carolina are taking steps of faith toward their hopeful future through a conversation with the Church Strategies Group and associational partners.

Consultation Process

What does the conversation process look like?

Learn More

3 Pathways for Hope

Learn more about the differences between revitalization, reSTARTing, and reinvestment

Read More

Our Church Needs Hope

Start a conversation about your future by completing a brief survey

Take the Survey

HopeChurches MorningSacrifice Devotional cover


A devotional prayer guide for churches asking God for a hopeful future

We've written a 7-week devotional prayer guide for revitalization, Morning Sacrifice.  It includes 50 devotionals covering a range of topics related to church revitalization and renewal.
- Each daily reading includes Scripture for reflection, a related devotional thought, and a focused prayer or response.
- Great resource for midweek teaching times, seasons of churchwide prayer, or leadership development.
- Order printed copies for your leadership or church by emailing
($3/copy for SCBaptist churches & partners;
$5/copy for non SCBaptist)
- Request a pdf version to read online or your tablet each morning.


This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.

2 Corinthians 9:12

Church Strategies Group of the South Carolina Baptist Convention exists to serve our churches as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission. Providing resources and relationships for revitalization pastors and replanters, associational partners and strong churches, potential pastors and church members, we hope to saturate every community in South Carolina with strong churches declaring the hope of the gospel to all people.

Contact Church Strategies Team

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