Lottie Moon Offering Advancing the Gospel in Asia-Pacific Rim
Jarod Davis (pictured left) is a missionary in the Asia-Pacific Rim, or APAC, and has been now for eighteen years. His focus is on helping Asian churches send out their own missionaries to join with the IMB towards the advancement of the Gospel. “There are many unengaged, unreached people groups that are unreachable to Americans but that are very reachable to National Partners that God has raised up,” Jarod said.
The IMB is in a unique position to partner with them together, to help them and to walk together, hand in hand, as one man contending for the Gospel. For Jarod, the generosity of SCBaptists helps make his work and the work of National Partners possible. “Your generosity keeps us on the field, helps us with our National Partners and being supportive in what they’re doing,” Jarod said.
Along with prayers, Jarod says that they’d love to see people actually going to the Asia-Pacific Rim. “We’d love to see you come in short-term or long-term trips, join us as missionaries because the harvest is plentiful but the workers really are few,” Jarod said.
“The great thing about this is it’s not just a Western thing,” Jarod said, “but something that God is doing around the world from Asians and Latin Americans and Africans joining us together as one man continuing for the Gospel until all nations are finally reached.”
Thank you for your generosity and for giving towards the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that helps keep missionaries like Jarod on the field as they represent the hands and feet of Jesus to all they meet.
To learn more about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and to give, visit scbaptist.org/give.