Serving Faithfully in the Background
Robert Laube Jr. has been a member of First Baptist Church North Augusta for over 50 years. During that time, he lived out his faith quietly, often behind the scenes, but always serving his church. In his 50 years at FBC North Augusta, he taught children and preschoolers the entire time. Robert’s wife, Jayne, said that “he has served without wanting any recognition of his work, great or small.”
Several years ago, Robert and Jayne were approached by the children’s minister at their church about helping with the HOPE program (Helping Open People’s Eyes 4 Our Schools) sponsored by the church. Both Robert and Jayne were interested in serving. Over the years, the HOPE program has grown to multiple avenues of service and many volunteers. “Robert would do anything asked of him and then quietly stand back and let others work in the forefront,” Jayne said.

In the last two years or so, something has changed. “Robert has made a complete turnaround in his ‘Living Life Loud’ as I like to say about him,” Jayne said. “He is now volunteering to be in the forefront, asking for jobs that he can do to help others in the church and community,” she said. Robert works weekly at the church with the HOPE project and is the first one to load their car with weekend food bags to transport to Clearwater Elementary School for kids in need.
“The most amazing transformation I’ve seen in him is his willingness to step up first, to volunteer first,” Jayne said. “I am so proud of my husband and his willingness to serve and continue to help others.”