Action Alert on H5399
A Conference Committee on the House and Senate versions of H5399 has been set for Tuesday, November 1, at 2:00pm in Gressette 105. This meeting is open to the public. The conferees from the Senate are Republicans Sen. Shane Massey (Majority Leader) and Sen. Richard Cash. The democrat from the Senate on the committee is Sen. Margie Bright Matthews.
The conferees from the House are Republicans Rep. John McCravy (House Family Caucus Leader and Chief author the bills language), and Rep. Tommy Pope (Speaker Pro Tempore). The democrat conferee from the House is Rep. Elizabeth “Spencer” Wetmore. The democrats on the Committee will certainly try to make sure a bill is not agreed to, so please concentrate your efforts on persuading the republican members to agree.
The Conference Committee will try to merge the language from the House and Senate version of H5399 into a bill that will protect life and have the votes necessary to pass both the House and the Senate.
Please pray that the Committee will agree to report out a bill that will protect life beginning at conception. Please contact the Republicans on the Committee and encourage them to support protecting life from the moment of conception. If the Conference Committee fails to reach an agreement, that will mean the end of H5399. We will be left with the hope that the South Carolina Supreme Court will find the 2021 Heartbeat Bill is in line with the South Carolina constitution, If they strike down the Heartbeat law based on a perceived “right to privacy, “ South Carolina will have one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country, allowing abortions up to 21 weeks.
When you contact the republicans from the Senate and the House, please be sure you speak or write in a manner that represents the Bible’s call for us to “speak the truth in love.” Be sure to thank Senator Massey for convening the conference.
Use the links below to contact the Republicans on the Conference Committee and share your concerns before Tuesday’s meeting:
Sen. Shane Massey:
Sen. Richard Cash:
Rep. John McCravy:
Rep. Tommy Pope:
He must increase, I must decrease
Dr. Tony Beam
Director of the Office of Public Policy